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3 May 2016 - 4 May 2016,

RCLC seminar at University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.

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Plenary speaker at the British Council 1st Philippine International English Conference. Paper title: “English in the BPO: Issues and Challenges” Manila.

2009. Paper presented at the British Council IATEFL for Young Learners. Paper title: School-based assessment experience in Hong Kong Secondary schools. Milan, Italy.

Invited speaker at the PolySystemic Language and Education Symposium. Paper entitled: Internationalisation of Education: Implications for Language and Literacy.

Paper co-delivered (Dr. Gail Forey ,PolyU) at the International Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference at Cardiff University UK entitled Recruiting and training: The importance of language in call centre assessment.

Paper co delivered (Dr.Gail Forey, PolyU) at the Symposium on English as the Language of Asian Business and Professions at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong entitled.Recruiting and training: The importance of language in call centre assessment.


Poster session at the LTRC, Cambridge,UK. The Tertiary English Language Test for Hong Kong.

Two conference papers at Talking Across the World:

  1. Embedding effective communication measures in quality assurance (QA) scorecards

  2. From Theory to practice-the design of Contact US (CUP)


Invited speaker at the Polysystemic Language and Education Symposium. Paper entitled: There is nothing so practical as good theory; Case study ESP syllabus design within the BPO industry.

Invited speaker at the ESL Conference organized by the English Schools Foundation. Paper entitled: Tracking student assessment: The DELTA project.

Speaker and invited panel discussant at the ELC symposium organised by the Polytechnic University. Paper entitled: What does genre-based pedagogy offer to novice undergraduate students? Joint paper entitled: The DELTA project.

Joint presenter (with Dr. Gail Forey & Dr. Marvin Lam) at BAAL conference UK, Paper entitled: Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics in the Workplace: Understanding Quality Assurance Measures and Discourse.

Paper presented at the DICOEN V1 conference organised by the Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE) Hong Kong Polytechnic University entitled Scripting Practices in call centres- a communication help or a hindrance?

Joint paper presented ( Dr. Gail Forey)  At the DICOEN V1 conference organized by the RCPCE, HKPU entitled Quality Assurance in the Workplace: Does it measure what it is supposed to?

Invited speaker to British Council 2 –day Centre Manager retreat. Paper entitled: Market Intelligence and Competitive Threats in ELT.


Invited speaker at the 3rd PolySystemic Language and Educational Symposium. Department of English, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. Paper entitled: Steps in moving towards a genre-based English language curriculum in the Hong Kong tertiary contexts: contexts and constructs.

Co presentation with Professor Liz Hamp-Lyons at seminar for the Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) entitled A language-theory informed approach to EAP curriculum and assessment pathways.

Co presentation with Professor Liz Hamp Lyons at the annual ELC Conference organized by Hong Kong University. Paper entitled: The DELTA writing project: what do novice undergraduates need to know?

Invited symposium speaker for Heads panel-The challenges of the four year curriculum.

Paper presentation at the General Education and University Curriculum Reform: An international conference in Hong Kong. Paper entitled: Academic literacy and language levels: what do our students need to access General Education?

Paper presentation at “Talking Across the World” What does the call centre industry need from English language assessments?” De La Salle University, Manila.

Genre 2012 conference. Symposium presentation “How can genre-based pedagogies inform novice undergraduate EAP curriculum development?” Carleton University, Ottawa.

Genre 2012 conference. “How have genre-based approaches informed communications materials development in the outsourced call centre industry?”Carleton University, Ottawa.

AALL (Association for Academic Language and Learning),Sydney symposium presentation entitled: The challenges of implementing an EAP genre-based approach in the Hong Kong tertiary sector.

UTS, Sydney PhD interest group presentation. Research opportunities in the BPO industry”

ALTAANZ conference, Sydney. Work in progress paper entitled The diagnostic English language tracking assessment (DELTA) project for Hong Kong Universities.

The 18th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes. Hong Kong & Guangzhou. Paper entitled: Research Opportunities in the business processing outsourcing (BPO) industry.

DICOEN V11 organised by RCPCE. Mapping ESP Frontiers: Bridging Teaching, Research and Practice. Paper entitled: English for (very) specific purposes: a framework for curriculum design. Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


BALEAP bi-annual conference. The Janus Moment in EAP: Revisiting the Past and Building the Future. Paper entitled: Can EAP literacy be assessed automatically? Delivered jointly with Professor Liz Hamp-Lyons. Nottingham University

Invited speaker at the 4th PolySystemic Language and Education Symposium. Paper entitled: The DELTA writing project: Can EAP literacy be assessed automatically?

ELC Conference. Paper entitled: The DELTA project: Can EAP literacy be assessed automatically? City University of Hong Kong.

Invited colloquium organizer and presenter. Title: Language Assessment, Innovations and Trends. Free Linguistics Conference. Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Paper accepted for IALIC, Baptist University of Hong Kong. Virtual Team Management: an applied linguistic perspective.


Three papers accepted for presentation at the Language Testing and Research Conference (LTRC):

  1. Weak and strong LSP assessment in Asian call centres. ( co- presented with Mr. Daniel Elias)

  2. Exploring the use of automated writing assessment scoring on the DELTA writing ( co-presented with Dr. Michelle Raquel and Professor Liz Hamp-Lyons)

  3.  LSP assessment in the BPO industry. ( Symposium paper) (co-presented with Professor Liz Hamp-Lyons.


Paper accepted for IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment SIG Conference. Title: Language for Specific Purposes: New Directions. Centro de Lenguas Modernas, Granada University.


Paper invited for Symposium panel on virtual communication. Paper entitled: Virtual team communication: a linguistic perspective on who holds the power. Sociolinguistics of Globalization Conference. Hosted by Hong Kong University.

Paper accepted at Group d’Etudes management et Langage. 9th International Workshop. Aalto University, School of Business, Helsinki, Finland.Title: Virtual team communication: a linguistic perspective on who holds the power.Co-delivered with Dr. Gail Forey.

Two invited seminars entitled Virtual team communication: a linguistic perspective on who holds the power and Call Centre Communication. Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Paper accepted for the International Pragmatics Association Conference to be co-delivered with Professor Winnie Cheng and Dr. Gail Forey. Title: Key factors that drive customer satisfaction in instant messaging.  (Panel: Dimensions of adaptability: Space,time,person, objects, Jacob Mey and Daniel do Nascimento e Silvia).Belgium.

Free linguistics Conference ( Manila, The Philippines)

-Invited plenary speaker: Topic The Many faces of Business English: Asian Profiles

-Paper presentation ( co-delivered with Dr. Gail Forey): Virtual team Communication: a linguistic perspective on who holds the power.

-Workshop: Language for Specific Purposes Assessment: new directions.

Paper delivered at Applied Linguistics Association of Australia(ALAA),the Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand (ALANZ) and the Association for Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand (ALTAANZ). Title: Language for Specific Purpose (LSP) Assessment- Pushing the Boundaries.


 "Language assessment raters in the call centre industry: Interfaces between language and subject matter experts", Language Testing and Research Conference, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, 20-24 June 2016.

"Language for Specific Purposes Assessment: new directions.", Applied Linguistics Association of Australia and the Association of Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, 30 November 2015 - 2 December 2016.

"The many faces of business communication: Asian profiles", Free Linguistics Conference, Free Linguistics Conference; De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines, 23-26 September 2015.

"Language assessment raters in the call centre industry: Interfaces between language and subject matter experts", Language Testing Research Conference, 20 Jun 2016 - 24 Jun 2016, Sicily, Italy

Virtual team communication: A linguistic perspective", RCLC seminar at University of South Australia, 3 May 2016 - 4 May 2016, Adelaide, Australia.

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